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How To Colour Your Small Wood Burning Stove.

Colour your Hobbit Stove
Colour your Hobbit Stove

How to colour your stove

You will need:

  • A suitable space
  • 1 x piece of v.fine emery/sand paper
  • A clean dry lint free cloth
  • 3 x 400ml stove paint
  • Safety glasses and mask

Using the stovebright range of colours you can quite easily change your stove from black into a wide range of colour options. The stove pictured above is a combination of emerald green and almond.

See the colour chart for various Stove Bright colours

Good preparation and follow the instructions

How to colour your stoveThe process of effectively colouring your stove is very similar to most other paint finish applications and full instructions are written on the side of each 400ml stove paint tin.

Several light coats will produce a better finish than one very heavy application.

Three 400ml tins of Stovebright stove paint are sufficient to spray a complete Hobbit stove.

Both the stove and the stove paint are designed to be applied at room temperature (20‐25 Celcius) so both should be stored at this temperature for a minimum of 3 hours prior to the start of the spraying.

buy our stove spray paint

A vapour rated mask and protective googles should be used when spraying and also you must ensure the spray area is well ventilated. Full instructions for best results are written on the side of every tin.

The existing painted surface of the stove should be given a rub over with the very fine emery or sand paper to give the stove paint a key to adhere to.

The stove should then be cleaned off using the dry cloth. With the stove and a can of stove paint well mixed and brought to room temp. you are ready to begin colouring your stove. Remember to angle the direction of the spray to hit all of the surfaces whilst maintaining the desired distance from the stove if possible for best results.

Curing the Stove Paint

  • Once painted it is very important not to over fire your stove until the stove paint finish has had a good chance to cure.
  • This involves initially having a series of several small fires.
  • As the paint cures it will give off a vapour and smell and so the room should be vacated as well as well ventilated during this curing process.
  • Starting with a small kindling fire, and subsequently each one thereafter increasing in intensity. Full paint curing instructions can be found on every tin.

This series of small fires should continue and then a full fire can take place. The odour given off during this curing period should then dissipate.

Some of our Door Colour Options



We recommend keeping a tin of spray paint which you can use periodically to refresh the appearance of your stove.


Particular care and attention should be given to lighter colour stove paints during the stove paint curing process as they will require a longer series of small fires to cure properly. They also require a slightly longer prep time. The details are written on the instructions which can be found on each tin.

One of the videos below will show you an example of how you can restore your small wood stove without using stove paint.

Video’s from Stovebright on how to spray your stove

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