Log Cabin Styled Horse Box Conversion
A log cabin styled horse box inspired by the Alps
What an amazing transformation! Guy Williams a former chartered surveyor based in Bristol, spent just £15,000 converting a dilapidated horse box that he bought in Holland into an incredible tiny log cabin on wheels to travel the world in. Here, our tiny log burner functions at the heart of this horse box conversion to help Guy and his 6-month-old cockapoo puppy, Ethel, to stay warm and cosy on their tiny home trip across Europe. Guy was inspired by the Alps when he carried out the log cabin styled horse box conversion, which took a year to finish, and it’s complete with an indoor home cinema, Douglas fir woodwork, a full size cooker, shower and of course our small wood burning stove!
Our small wood burner has helped to keep the pair of them warm in the mountains, pictured below. They have visited Portugal and were planning on travelling to Morocco and the Alps! Upon his return to the UK, Guy plans to refurbish vans and horse boxes in order to convert them into tiny homes on wheels, and he already has several projects lined up!
Photos by Eastnews Press Agency