Salamander Stoves Pan Fried Sea Bass

New Cooking Series – 5) Pan Fried Sea Bass

The top of your stove cooking range will get plenty hot enough for frying, and pan fried sea bass with vegetables makes the perfect light lunch or dinner as we enter summer!

You can begin by boiling some potatoes, runner beans and asparagus on the stovetop of your Little Range Cook Stove. Next, add a little olive oil and melted butter to the frying pan, laying the fish fillets skin side down in the pan after the butter and oil has heated up sufficiently.

Fry the fish fillets until they are crispy and golden, before placing them in the oven for 5-10 minutes to finish cooking. When we did this, our oven thermometer was in the orange section.

Once the pan fried sea bass is fully cooked through, you can strain the vegetables and lay the fish fillets on top. We would recommend finishing this delicious meal off with a fresh squeeze of lemon!

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