Emergency Maintenance Kit


Our small stoves are built and inspected to the highest standard, but if you’ve got a lot of things knocking about inside your van whilst you’re on some long and bumpy roads, then there’s a chance that a problem could occur.

Our emergency maintenance kit is an absolute life saver if you happen to break the glass window, knock your flue pipes out of place, or if the fire rope seal comes loose on your small stove.

This kit contains:

  • 1 x Replacement glass window
  • 1 x Cartridge of fire cement (310ml)
  • 1 x Cartridge of rope adhesive (30ml)
  • Enough fire rope to go around the glass window and the top and bottom door seals.

Product description

If a problem does happen to occur, then you will have complete peace of mind in knowing that the parts you need will be safely tucked away inside your van! This will save you from having to get the parts shipped to your location, and you’ll have everything you need to repair these issues straight away.

If you’re at all unsure as to how you might be able to complete any repairs yourself, then please do not hesitate to contact us. We can guide you through the process step-by-step if you encounter any difficulties.


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If you have any questions or simply want to talk through your options, please give our friendly team a call.

Tel: 01626 363507 | 01626 333230

Limited time offer

Save 20% on our Mother Earth Fire Bowl

Get ready for summer nights in the garden toasting marshmallows and spending time with loved ones. Use code FIRE20 at checkout.