verdo logs

Verdo Wood Briquette Logs 6 Pack – Online Wood Fuel Review No.2.

online wood fuel review

Online wood fuel review No.2


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The Verdo wood fuel briquette logs are a good dense wood burner fuel. A little tricky to light but a great log once they are going.

online wood fuel review no. 2 - verdo wood briquettes

We would suggest using a different type of log for lighting and general use, saving the verdo logs for when you have already built up a good layer of embers, and for overnight burning. They also tended to require a good source of bottom air which is a characteristic of dense fuels such as traditional coal.

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Made in Grangemouth from Scottish softwood forest thinnings, Verdo logs are a top selling briquette. They are easy to snap so are perfect for smaller stoves

Verdos may look like standard logs, and whereas you may be used to putting two or three logs on your fire, don’t put two or three Verdos on or you may have a furnace going! Being under 8% moisture content they burn very hot so we suggest you crack one in half and put the two halves on first to get a feeling for how they perform. Also, they do expand in length as they burn, so put them on so they expand towards the sides of the firebox, not towards the door.

Watch the verdo logs in action.

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