Salamander Stoves Vegan Nut Roast Recipe For Small Wood Burning Stoves

New Cooking Series – 6) Vegan Nut Roast

Our vegan nut roast makes the perfect accompaniment to a traditional roast dinner, but it also works brilliantly as a delicious and filling main course! Our vegan nut roast can be cooked entirely on the hotplate and in the oven of our Little Range Cook Stove.

Here’s how to make it:

Begin by toasting a selection of nuts in a frying pan on the top of your small wood burning stove. Roughly chop half of them and blitz the other half in a blender until fine. Set aside.

Salamander Stoves Small Wood Burning Stove Toasting Nuts For Vegan Nut Roast

Next, chop the onion, garlic and celery and sweat them down in a pan. Add some grated carrot, butternut squash and finely chopped mushrooms before cooking them down for 10-15 minutes, until softened.

Salamander Stoves Softened Vegetables For Vegan Nut Roast

Add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and lots of herbs. After that, add the nuts, a couple tablespoons of oats, and a couple tablespoons of plain/wholemeal flour. Combine all of the ingredients and pack the mixture into an oiled loaf tin. Drizzle with a little olive oil before covering the tin with foil.

Cook for about 1 hour 20 minutes, covered for the first hour and then uncovered for the final 20 minutes, just until the vegan nut roast is crisp on top. Serve and enjoy!

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