birch logs review small stoves

Wood Fuel Review No.7 – Birch Logs.

Wood fuel Review No.7 – Birch logs

Birch Logs Review for your woodburning stoveThese lovely dry birch logs are the ultimate for all tiny woodstove owners. They come in nets of about 7kg and are a combination of sawn chord wood and split logs.

They scored a 5+++ on my score! No argument, simply another brilliant online woodfuel resource for the stove owner. If you want to burn real wood logs then do not waste your money by buying logs from a garage forecourt with no idea of how dry they are. Instead buy a quality kiln dried log like the ones from a supplier like the Log Barn

These logs are very easy to light and burn nice and brightly for a long time and leave very little ash. They all also have the benefits that birch bark provides in getting a fire started. The resins and oils in the bark are really flammable and it is well known in bushcraft circles that in conjunction with a magnesium steel and striker, shaved dry birch bark is the perfect tinder for fire lighting.

Birch Kiln Dried Logs Review for Small StovesKiln dried logs are now a widely available online. This is a small stove online wood fuel product that you should save the link to!!

These great logs come from the log barn

The maximum length of each birch hardwood log is 200mm or 8” so they are the perfect fit for our Salamander small stove. They stack well as a consequence of their uniform length and can look very aesthetically pleasing. Nothing beats the look of a well stacked log pile around the Christmas fire. Remember however, not to stack your logs to close to the stove itself so many a fire has started by people stacking their logs around a fire to help them dry.

I would suggest you do not stack more than just a few, if any, in the fireplace itself. Better to have a nice log basket which you can move away when the stove is hot.

These fabulous logs are available online.

Wood fuel online links you directly to the kiln dried log section of their website. We suggest you order promptly for making sure your Christmas log pile is well stacked.

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